Sunday, July 18, 2010

Going to Africa to beat the Heat!

We always hold stereotypes of places and people that are unfamiliar, so my friends and family have been surprised to hear that the weather in Zambia will be cooler than here right now. It's winter south of the equator, and Kitwe is about 4,000 feet above sea level. So during the day it will be in the 70's and at night in the 50's. With the weather we've been having in New England, I'm ready to cool down, although traveling thousands of miles away seems a bit extreme. ....

The real reason for going to Zambia is to serve as short term volunteer mission personnel at the
United Church of Zambia Theological College in Kitwe, Zambia, which is in the Northern part of Zambia. I will be teaching two courses, one on Global Christianity from an American perspective, and one on Interfaith Dialogue. Since I only found out what I'd be teaching a few days ago,I'm really scrambling to put materials together. Thanks to the internet, that's not as hard as it used to be. And I can carry information on a thumb drive or my laptop rather than lugging piles of books along.

I'll also have the chance to travel some and to meet many people and experience African Christianity by immersion. I'm excited! Will write more later, but wanted to get this started before I go.

More later! Deb

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deb -- Barbara sent me the blog address and I'll be one of your followers! I, too, noted the cooler temps in Africa. I leave for Kenya in eight days -- July 28 -- and will return to Boston Aug 18. Very excited for you on this new adventure! You have my prayers for safe travel and a faith-growing time in Zambia. Carra
